Hello there and welcome!
I’m happy you’ve found your way here and hope this website sparks a curiosity to explore the vast and enchanting subject of yoga! It’s a privilege to share this practice with others. Please get in touch if you are interested in yoga or philosophy lessons.
Tat Twam Asi ૐ You are that truth
(A Pushkar sunset ~ 2023)
About Charlie
Charlie is based in London and Somerset. She travels to India annually to study with her teachers, Usha Devi and the Iyengar family. Charlie’s favourite things in life (other than yoga!) are drinking chai whilst watching the world go by on a busy Indian street or exploring the wilds of the English countryside in her (rather unreliable) campervan!
Qualifications & Training:
Iyengar Yoga teacher (CIYT)
Biomechanics & Anatomy ~ a two year course with Angelo Cecchi
Annual study with the Iyengar family and Usha Devi in India
Continuous study with Senior Iyengar Teachers in the UK
Philosophy with Siddhartha Krishna of Kailash Ashram
Sanskrit with Dr Stephen Thompson and the Bhandakar Oriental Institute, Pune
Sivananda Yoga Certification (2017)
London School of Reflexology - advanced practitioner
PGCE - teaching certificate in secondary education
First Class MA Honours degree in History, University of Edinburgh 2009 (Indian History specialism)