Monthly Meetings:
A monthly Yoga Philosophy group ~ (online) we meet to discuss classical texts such as ‘The Yoga Sutras’ of Sage Patanjali and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Get in touch to join us!
‘The art of balancing’
Saturday 12th October // 2-5pm // Yoga Point, Brixton
A yoga workshop in Brixton exploring 'The Art of Balancing' in yogasana.
We will explore various aspects of balance in practice, including standing on one leg(!) but also how we can refine our awareness of balance and evenness across other groups of asanas.
There will be a restorative and pranayama sequence towards the end of the session.
Philosophy Workshop at Trika Yoga, Bristol
Sunday 12th November 2023 / 12.30-2pm
This workshop will examine the philosophy behind our asana/postural practice and explore the intersection of body-mind-spirit through concepts outlined in key yogic texts, including Patanjali’s ’The Yoga Sutras’ and ’The Bhagavad Gita’.
It will look at practical suggestions from these texts on how to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life and will consider big questions around the ‘I’ the ‘doer’ ~ who are we on this yogic path and what of our experience of ourselves is real?!
A Warming Winter Workshop, London
Saturday 18th November 2-5pm / Yoga Point, Brixton
A yoga practice exploring philosophical concepts found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Focusing on asanas that bring warmth and energise the system. The usual format of asana, pranayama and philosophy chats!
Yoga Workshop, London
Yoga Point, Brixton / Saturday 15th July 2023 / 2-5pm
A yoga practice exploring philosophical concepts found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Spring Solstice Yoga Weekend, Frome
Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th March 2023
Two full mornings exploring asana, pranayama and philosophy at Pure Moves, Frome.
Fundraising Event
Sunday 9th May 2020 at 5.30pm
An online led chanting event to raise money for @give_india.
Give India is organising non profit fundraising campaigns to provide oxygen and meet the food shortages during the Covid19 pandemic - visit
We will recite the Shanti Mantras (mantras for peace) together.
Deepen your understanding…
This webinar will examine the roots of yoga and the context of sāṃkhya philosophy and will explore myths surrounding author of ‘The Yoga Sutras’, Sage Patañjali.
There will be something for elementary students to more experienced yoga practitioners, though no prior experience of yoga or the sutras is necessary ~ a general interest is enough!
Please email me via the CONTACT page or directly ( to register.